Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sophia's Baptism

As good Roman Catholics, or at least raised by good Roman Catholics, it was inevitable that our daughter Sophia would be baptised.  Earlier this month, our heathen child was made part of the flock.

When deciding on Godparents it really wasn't too difficult - Chrissy's only sibling Alex, and my closest in age and proximity sibling, Monica. However, in choosing Monica to be the Godmother we forfeited the opportunity for Monica Kehrig Photography to be the official photographer - a near flaw in our otherwise perfect planning.

I say a near flaw as Monica took some pictures for us prior to the big day with Sophia in her gown.

The lovely baptism gown was a surprise gift from her soon to be Godfather, Alex. After knowing him for 5+ years I would have never guessed he had such good taste. 

Due to Monica's involvement in the ceremony most of the pictures that day were taken by my sister-in-law Alison who was fighting off a flu and also taking care of her daughter with a cold at the ceremony. She is pretty impressive - another signal that Alex has good taste....I should have realised sooner I guess.

Thanks to the Godparents who will be helping watch over her, thanks to Mom who made the trip for the baptism and to everyone who came out for the ceremony.

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