Monday, May 31, 2010

Going Home Again - Saskatchewan Visit (Part 3)

I was really looking forward to my Saskie trip and all the fun stuff to do at the lake and in Saskatoon. Unfortunately the weather was absolutely horrible as it either rained or was extremely windy the whole time.

I still managed to find stuff to do though.

Saturday at the lake consisted mostly of driving around and hanging out in the Cabin.  The countryside was completely saturated: unlike the drought like conditions in Edmonton. Even though everything was wet I still had to take a drive down the FireTower road.

Why did I have to go down FireTower road? To get to Chelan bar and try out its local delicacy: Pickled Turkey Gizzard. Delicious if you like the taste of super dry turkey neck and the texture of a superball.

In between downpours Christina and I walked around checking out the sites and hitting up playgrounds.

Back in Saskatoon on the last night of the trip I experienced my very first drive-in movie. I was excited, but Christina was downright giddy. One of the downsides of having such long days is that it takes forever to get dark enough for the movie to start. Two screens were playing movies and we chose to watch Iron Man 2. Attendance was quite poor and the property is for sale, so if you're looking to check out a drive-in movie you better take the opportunity while you still can.

Once it got dark enough the screen and clarity was surprisingly good. This is one retro trend that could use a comeback.


Unknown said...

Wow that Chelan bar is a treat! I'm glad I got to see that too. Can't believe the turkey gizzards are still on the menu...

Unknown said...

When Matt and I lived in St. Catharines we went to the drive in every single weekend.
$9 for 2 movies and we could bring the dogs.
We went to one in Salt Lake City last week that was $7 for 2 movies and had 6 different screens.
This is a business we need to bring back.